Halle Berry: "I'm sorry. This is so much bigger that me." Sugar… have you looked in the mirror lately, let alone paid your trainer's monthly bill? Everything is bigger than you.
~ black ftls
~ dk gray / blue dress pants…
~ gray T
~ "txt" v-neck sweater… my current "fav" sweater :D
~ playing the "I actually know what I'm doing" game at work.
~ finishing (tonight) the computer thing I was doing for my dad.
~ pestering a friend or two today… (looks at cell phone)
~ trolling LJ for "LA Stories" …
~ for crack!!! I am officially out of crack... I gotta score at lunch today....
~ Happy Birthday wish goes out to a few friends today… but I'll stick to the pattern and do those "under separate cover" (hahaha)
~ I could just pinch my
Just a "Survivor Wish" thing… but I've been just praying that the kids on that Island find a small field of cotton near their camp… and that they ask Sean if he wouldn't mind spending some time gathering it up…
Oh and BRRRR! It's -18 out there today... this is spring... and to my fellow Ottawans, don't bust my chops about "It's only -10 but feels like -18 with the wind chill factor" If the freaking thermometer reads -18 it's minus fucking 18... that wind chill thing is quite simply the stooopidest thing in all of meteorology, bar none!
K … gotta go,
ps. Have a great day...