Mostly harmless (corto) wrote,
Mostly harmless

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LJ Birthday Baby...

Ok this one is silly, but...

Happy Birthday Lys (misspriss)

Do you know this woman?
She's several things including circlek's main squeeze...
The thing is I didn't always realize this...
See I knew the Cirk man was involved in shooting photo's for the adult industry... and (blush - please know that I mean this in the nicest of ways..) I um.. well, I thought for the longest time that MissPriss was a porn star... :D Then I realized she had a journal... wohoo... click click ... "yup, that's her" he tell's himself... hahhaa...

Well, several months... um... a year? later I know just a wee bit more about Lys. She epitomizes what can be called a strong woman. I mean, ignoring for a second her obvious great looks and what seems to be an endless ability to see good things in people and bring kindness to her interactions with them, she has and continues to face some challenges that would make many a lesser person curl up in a fetal position and give up... But not Lys....

Again... I know how lucky I am to have such friends. Happy Birthday Lys, and I hope that this next year brings closure to the issues that haunt you... and that your life is infected with the joy and pleasure you so richly deserve. May peace live in your heart.

Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to you ... Happy Birthday dear Lys... Happy Birthday to you!!!!

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