Well between my hacking away all night, Z having temperature spikes and Ed wandering around awake at all hours... it's been a long night. I'm going into work late (taking the car... not fun, I hate the parking issues, etc.) after I put Geo on his bus. Z is back in bed... were sick people should be.
~ it's a swish swish day...
~ black ftls...
~ noisy charcoal cargo pants....
~ jet black mock (mock mock) neck shirt...
~ I have a sweater out but I'm still trying to decide if I want to wear it...
~ it's all about formatting the draft today and tomorrow...
~ and if I haven't said so lately, please note; I HATE WORDPERFECT
~ some teleconference thing at 9:30.
~ on making a post about the Survivor Crew later....
~ that things were just easier...
~ that complications could just slip away...
~ people would leave my sugar mama (shann) alone... k'mere Shan-shazam!!!
~ that you could see caren's new hair cut... she looks grrrrr... delicious.
ladyfire has posted some pictures from far away Norway.... amazing.
Ok, I gotta go put Geo on a bus... see ya later today... :D