So.... two more days people... two more days until Survivor 4 kicks in. Another crew of doughy, losers, culled from the herds of wannabees, selected - no doubt - for their likely personality conflicts, weaknesses and pathetic representation of the social strata to "tough" it out in French Polynesia on a tropical island. Apparently they will be made to suffer like none have suffered before them. Believe me when I tell you that I am there! My pencil is sharp and the Updates will be timely!! Oh, and this is the official DM Survivor Update Saga. I'll explain the "DM" part later.
~ black ftls
~ dk gray/blue dress pants
~ a blue t under the big giant turtle neck...
~ playing catchup... seems everything kinda piles up when your sick...
~ i have a zillion little things to get done... and there's the project.
~ basically, I have two days to finish, with a possible 4 day extension to worry out proof-reads etc.
~ for the good vibes of my friends to rain down on a good friend gravity as he carries a torch for family members in the hospital.
~ I could reach out and slip my arm around a few of my friends and just hold on for a while...
Hey, do you know misskris81? I've met a lot of people in lj (d'uh) and while the majority are quite simply amazing and *cough* inspiring.... only a few strike me as seriously hard as Kriss... I cannot say enough good stuff about this girl. Sure, she's pretty and loveable (you know, eyes you can melt in, a smile that makes your heart skip a beat), but she's more than that... what a wonderful sense of humour, smart and with so much capacity to have fun... a wonderful spirit. (and this is not just because you made me grin last night!!) An excellent example of why I feel so lucky to get to play here...
Ok... the buss is almost there... gotta git.