Mostly harmless (corto) wrote,
Mostly harmless

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hey... it's 10:27 and I'm a make'en this day! woohoo. I'm still petrified (sp?) of how freakish I'm going to be in a few days of this.

Zebra does not know, nor even guess. I think? I sorta want to get through a few days and then tell her. On the other hand, my whole office is up to date... people dropped off little candies on my desk all day while I hunched under my big ass koss head-phones writing a report. Hard report to write but I was in the right frame of mind. It was essentially a bad news report for someone that contracted with us to evaluate a system in their business... the report - that they paid for - basically says that the process sucks, it's broken now and it's gonna break worse, etc. blah blah... Yup, I was in the right frame of mind for that.

Any ways, I'm gonna go to be early for a change. See ya.

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