Well, it's going to be like +5 today... no complaining allowed!
A good day to be late? Well, it's never a good day to be late... but this is me remember...
Got kids? Do you maybe have to buy a prezzi for a toddler? Here's a clue... at Eds b-day party the family members mostly resonded to our request to stick to books... Bed time stories are king for a 4 year old... A few didn't, however with an almost startling result. In between books - which he made lots of happy noises about - he opened a big car-track kits and a little "town" put-together thing... but eventually opened a big box emlazoned with the "Crayola" logo... "Model Magic" clay... it's not playdo, it's not clay... it's not new... but Ed knows exactly what it is... when he opened it, he stood up, look around at the toys, the cousins, the adults and then grabbed the Model Magic box and said "I want to go play with this right now..." and he split. Gone. Happy as can be. The gift giver of that one was well pleased with themselves... :D
~ black ftl's...
~ dk green dress pants
~ jet black mock (mock mock) long sleeve, sports a dark purple Hewlet Packard log (bought it forever ago in San Fran while on a training course).
~ pale green(ish) sweater...
~ two interviews today... one with a group and one with a manager. I only have... maybe 4 more after today... then it's book writing time...
~ on learning more about converting dv recordings to other formats...
~ babysitting tonight while z goes to an appointment...
~ first off ... big congratulations are in order for my friend bosox on the arrival of Brianna Selena... Mommy and baby are home, healthy and happy... a wonderful time in his life... and I hope he's caught up on his sleep!! :D
~ just wishing a little peaceful easy feeling for my friend sandcat... a girl with adorable little paws and the cutest tail (ok ok ...) No realy, send her some good vibes.
~ I'm hoping my friend ladyfire makes it through another 25 days... :D
~ I'm dancing on air for the wonderful love bug that is nibbling away at the sweetest girl in all of Burbank! How happy can get for my friends? It just boggles my mind that I can get to know someone this well, and feel so much joy as changes find them, yet I've never really held her hand. Someday... Congrats kristylicious