Mostly harmless (corto) wrote,
Mostly harmless

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memory: kinda goofy but...
A newspaper item (associated press) out of some mid western US state about - not a word of a lie - a high school that has prohibited the girls from wearing thong underwear (actually they did not specify 'girls' but I'm think'en ...).
The principal is quoted in the article talking 'bout how the school is adopting zero tolerance for 'distracting activities'...
Ok, so work with me here. Not much sense in establishing unenforceable rules, so... how , exactly, are they going to enforce this? Can you just see the bearded, polyester suit encrusted, lanky grade 11 English teacher - finished teacher's college in the early 80's - assigned to 'thong patrol'?
"Excuse me Miss Sutherland... Step out of line please,... yes over here. You too, Miss. Tagoochi. Now ladies, you know the rules. It appears to me that what we have here is a failure to communicate. STOP your sniggering Miss. Sutherland. Right then. Turn around, pull 'em down and I had better see seamless briefs or there's gonna be detentions all 'round."

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