But the story grew and grew and involved the lj police (abuse people) and a good and fair resolution came about... one that is extra special because this wonderful woman was not - as I had feared - going to leave Lj after all. Yeah.
Now she is having a birthday ... After all this time... we are only sorta friends... but she will forever be a part of my Lj story and be on my list until she vanishes or asks to be taken off... If she has it to say... I want to hear.
ps. This... is her... :D (~ silly grin...)
Happy Birthday fearyfeathers
May this next year bring you many mornings with A beside you and evenings with him... well all over you.
May your kidlettes continue to bring you joy... and may the world continue to leave A in good health... Wearing a uniform is a hard cross to bear... Waiting for someone in a uniform is no less so.
I truly hope you have enjoyed your day... Peace in your house and in your heart.