I am a member of:
mommymilitia Parenting issues
marriagetips Marriage issues...
eroticfantasies name says it all!!!
free_mp3 ditto
girlygirlsclub (don't ask!... :D)
gnomite a travel related community
idiotgeorge George W. Bush... the idiot (or so they say)
linux a god send!
sextips nothing but fun and totally usefull concepts...
photography beautiful
ljover30 How old are you?
package_gang A wonderful concetp built around the idea of exchanging small gifts ... brings Lj into the RW.
survivorjunkies The survivor television show!
webcampics Yes, Kitykity I will post some pics...
whitelight More beautiful photography
dragonfairy No real idea... it just happened to me...not complaining though...
So what communities do you belong to?