... we had no real intention of staying for the whole game but we really wanted to do something for the afternoon and the boiz have never been ... so we went!
We parked a half a mile from the stadium - mostly 'cause it's a really easy spot to get in and out off and then walked. We made our seats (which sucked btw) and in moments, tired of the seats so Z took the boiz to find the mascot guy.
After that we relaxed on the "family fun zone" lawn (lots of picnic tables etc.)
and Z caught this great shot of the kiddies actually watching the game... which they did for all of 10 minutes.
We caved at the bottom of the 5th and made our way home.
This has been a long long weekend ... birthday parties, water games, BBQ salmon (last nights dinner) ball games, kids rushing everywhere, parties for mommy and daddy, dance recitals... ack! I'm dead tired.
We're gonna watch "What women want" and then crash... later LJ.