~ tommy on top, with a mickey mouse tie
~ snug-fit black boxers
~ charcoal gray / black suit
~ to have a fantastic day
~ to bring a kitchen chair into our bedroom tonight (step one of my "assignment" for this week...)
~ for something good to happen to my package buddie,
~ for peace in
~ and most of all? my biggest dam wish in ages? for a reduction of tensions in Lj overall. You know what I mean... Some people are toxic... they carry negativity around as if it were a cross to bear. sheesh.
It drives me nuts the way a kidlette (Geo) can seem to be gulping and chugging away for ever on a half a dixie cup of water?
I saw this U2 video last night... it was the "Tomb Raider Mix". Ok, I am so going to see that movie and for a bunch of good reasons but mostly 'cause I wanna see that girl on the big big screen... I know there's a bunch of Angelina fans in Lj… How about a Angelina Picture Post marathon tonight? I'll find some Lara Croft… :D
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