eh... I think it rained at one point...
But I hardly noticed. Life is just zooooming past today.
~ pj pants now man... long day in a tie... but that's over. :)
~ woke up on-time, did the kids thing... back to bed to snooze, then ... it starts:
~ normal work day... it's "Release Week" so everything is in motion at work...
~ get to the gym at lunch and raise the bar on the whole "push yourself" thing...
~ zoom out of work at 3:30 to drive across town to a galactic core meeting ...
~ use drive time to call up Tim Hortons to order coffee and stuff for the big AGM tomorrow night...
~ sit through a long long meeting with snack food at the other end... all to end up heading home at 8:30...
~ somewhere in there I got in touch with the person I'm renting the hall from (for the AGM) to arrange a key pick up tonight...
~ home to get hall-rental contract and a cheque... drive out to drop that stuff off and pick up key...
~ home to fix up sign for the street...
~ put Ed to bed... read a little Harry Potter (middle of book seven again)
~ finish sign and drive it out the mail-box zone at the head of our street so all the rezzies will see it as they leave for work...
~ and ... now is now. sigh. It's 11:30.
~ I believe it's time to go have a wee chat with the admiral and settle down to watch Mentalist. :)
~ for
~ to say that it is very rewarding to follow the story of the "Dots" (
~ to confess that a sticker created inappropriate thoughts about the ever-lovely
~ and to smile at
Birthday moments...
A very happy birthday to a very special girl... a
pulls back the edge of the mask... and whispers...
Life can be full and it can be rewarding.
But that doesn't mean it's full of the right stuff.
...tucks edges of mask back in...
K... I gotta git. :D
See ya