yeah... you see that?
Can you see it?
On my wrist.
I call it Hervey. I say it like it's spanish. I roll the R.
It's my "ganglion cyst".
Hervey the cyst.
Bad Hervey.
No soup for you!
It's totally gorgeous outside. But I'm not skiing.
Today is crazy time. Lots to do...
Yesterday was groceries... helping a friend of Suz's with her computer problems...
and then a pizza party at my SIL's for my nephew's birthday. :) (was nice...)
~ hmmm... thinking hair cut...
~ wanting to go to future shop and squeeeeeeze them till they give me my mothers camera back.... (repair nightmares)
~ work... need to do some work on client #3... sigh.
~ ? Oh... and "booking" shore excursions... we've categorically decided to be opposed to all the dolphin features in the Caribbean... but GIANT zip lines... cool. Stingrays? cool!
~ I didn't have a sore spot "in" my nose... it feels like a pimple? a pimple inside my nose. I hate it. I may give it a name too if it doesn't go away soon. !!
~ to tell talashandy... that's she's awesome.
~ for sweet relief to find kendokamel
~ that I could lay down and let bratt72 poke me... er... with needles... and ink. :)
~ and to congratulate galebird on her accomplishment!!!
Birthday moments...
Happy birthday to the Leap Year Girl... thatthingido. May there be subtle happiness... and great gushing gobs of pleasure... in store for you in the year ahead. Oh, and you have a lovely bum. Just say'en... :)
And to a very curious... interesting... and remarkableallyn
There are a lot of great things to bring to the foreground by saying... "There's two kinds of people in the world... those who X and those who Y."
Here's another great example.
When someone I am at a restaurant with ... treats the waiter or waitress like dirt...
I kill them and drive them to fargo to feed them to a woodchipper.
First of all... screw off. If they weren't willing to do this job... you would have to cook. So fuck off.
But besides that...
People generally divide into two groups... those that appreciate wait-staff and those that don't.
And on the side of those that appreciate them... you'll find people who can't take their eyes off them.
I mean... servers are eclectic by default... with the real or imagined exposure to so many different kinds of people.
Waiters... just seem like guys who are having more fun than I was at that age... whatever age.
Waitresses? get three extra 10-point-scale points in hotness... for no other reason than because their waitresses.
And if they dress the same? Like ok, not a uniform (don't get me started on girls in uniforms) but if they all dress the same as per some company policy...
They all get remembered with the sigh afforded to the prettiest.
and regardless... girls all dressed the same? dude!
It's not flirting when a guy does his best to be nice to a waitress.
Ok... yes it is. But as long as it's not insulting... it's totally understandable. :)
Treating a waitress like a slave ... deserves a good slap.
It's hard to transition from being the parent that has to organize and participate in the constant activities that keep the kids happy, busy, etc... over to the parent that doesn't worry about the kids every moment they're busy doing their own thing... let alone worry their "own thing" isn't just boring filler waiting for you to be that "organizing, activity" parent again. I dunno if I 'splained that well... but whatever. It's just been hard lately to be confident that things are all right in their lives. I can't wait for Geo to get to highschool and expand the circle of choices for developing new friendships.
I want.
And not just a new macbookpro.
I wish.
And not just for you.
~ see ya. :)