Todays the day... sigh.
I frigg'en love smoking... but pretty much hate everything about it...
So no matter how I slice it... I have to quit.
Besides... the kids are getting too old to hide it from them.
It's bazzing outside... cold but not crazy January cold. :)
~ suck suck suck... on imaginary smokes :)
~ drive downtown to work... and realize I'm HOSED because the city has had to ACTUALLY CLOSE one of the main routes across the river that separates Ottawa and Hull due to an impending bridge failure! . (my Client #2 is in Hull). Total traffic nightmares and ... I bet they continue all freaking winter. WoW.
~ I imagined that I will get to my company office before the end of day to hand in receipts... but that's not going to happen.
~ maybe watch Chuck tonight... maybe get to watch Survivor... we'll see.
~ I had remembered to take some salmon out of the freezer before I left for work!!!!!
~ that
~ I had video of
~ and I knew any one survives winter at
Birthday moments...
Happy birthday to... my dad. :) My dad is awesome... and he can beat up your dad!
Happy birthday to
And a very happy birthday to Chris... Miss
So ... do you watch Heroes?
If you do... and you take into account that the Canadian Governor General is an immigrant from Haiti
Then you would get my drift when I say... The Hatian came in a totally killed everyones power.
Our parliament was suspended until late January. So all those elected dudes and dudettes are essentially OFF WORK WITH FULL PAY because Steve-O is afraid of how parliamentary procedure is going to screw him out of power.
Steve-O: "Ahhhh!!! Wait... stop.... things are not going my way!
I want you to all stop until we come up with a new democratic way for my team to win!!"
Looks like only two weeks at Christmas. :(
But at least I'll have a FOREVER banked for other vacation time. :)
You have to put yourself out there.
Or at least... I do.