Mostly harmless (corto) wrote,
Mostly harmless

Wednesday, November 19

Yeah... driving to work ... the air is perfectly described as "crisp" and I look up to see... that.
These apparently occur often but they are very short lived, so I pulled over and snapped a few cell-phone pics. :)
Someone must know what it's called... but I'll call it a Sun-halo for now. ??

~ no, it's not a "lens effect"... this is the sky. :)

If you put an iPhone, a frog, two cats and a laptop in a giant industrial strength blender... set it to "liquefy" and turned it on...
you'd see something that pretty much represents my work-day.
Because I would surely be fired, I don't actually say what happens in my client's offices, so I will keep on towing that line.
However... let it be known that;
Sending a reminder "meeting invitation" to eight people, three days before a meeting...
Then visiting each meeting invitee at their desk, two days before the meeting...
and presenting them with a folder - nicely labeled - that contains all required documents for the meeting...
Reviewing that folder with each invitee...
And gaining their assurance that they will be at the meeting...
Pretty much set the scene to have a meeting with four people today.
... and this is a meeting to actually sort out things that everybody here is all hot about.
Imagine what attendance is like for the loser-boring meetings?
Frick'en kill me now.

~ d'ya see what I did there? not swearing when, by all rights, I could have.
yessiree... I'm a para-fuck'en-gon of virtue... oh wait...
I mean crap.

~ beige day... right down to the coffee I spilled on my Tommy tie.
~ sigh.
~ Despite all the little voices that were whispering "go back to bed..." I managed to get it all together on time today.
~ take pictures of a remarkably cool looking sun halo...
~ hold a FRUSTRATING meeting...
~ spend the rest of the day sorting out various stress-able choices for my clients...
~ find my way home... sweet home... oh how I long to get back on a gig that lets me work from my home office regularly.
~ watch Chuck tonight. :)
~ to send out special vibes to a treasured friend... my little cuppa-tea, teasdale. I do truly bend my heart with hope that there will be some sweet relief soon... and that the cards you are being dealt... sort into a full house. Let there be lots of help. It's just the way it needs to be. hug hug hug hug... but gently!! and then more hugs. :)
~ for chiropteraclan to enjoy dancing between the raindrops of new things and silly thoughts. :)
~ and that the always always lovely bardiva... manages to drag her sorry ass out of bed on time. :DD

Birthday moments...
Happy Birthday to dear elliriel... who I hope is doing well and being well taken care of on her birthday... :)
And to my own personal Sugar-Ray... (raylenetaskoski)... a very happy birthday to remarkable woman. May there be many rewards this year for putting another way of living strong, and caring. :)

If the Big Auto companies in NA fail... there will be a dramatic impact on our economy and much job-loss and personal challenge.
However... ALL OF THAT will be stuff that gets sorted out over 10 years.
Sad... terribly sad... but also very true.
On the up side... the auto companies will be re'built from the ground up with new boards, and new labour agreements.
General Motors has been on the ropes for over four years... inches away from bankruptcy... and why? Because of the health benefit clauses in the labour agreements they've been supporting for twenty years...
I'm sorry... but there is no earthly justification - other than SCORE, COOL JOB, WOW, LUCKY ME - for an assembly line worker that pushes part A into the hold on part B to make 20 - 30$ an hour with vast benefits.
And the folks that actually work in that industry that have corrections to that... please ... fill me in.
But it is no big news that the unions that rep the auto workers have been aggressive and powerful for decades... getting the "best deals" for their members... and at what cost?
Twenty Five Billion tax payer dollars.
Oh sure, I'm not ignoring the managements ridiculous efforts to sell cars and trucks that people don't want or need.
They (management) created that very market that is now spurning their product... and they just keep on making the unwanted product and getting upset that folks aren't buying.
Twenty Five Billion tax payer dollars.

First we (you) bail out the financial institutions that have been SCREWING YOU OVER with user fees and shitty rates and ridiculous small business policies for decades with SEVEN HUNDRE AND FIFTY BILLION tax payer dollars... so they can cover the bad investments they made...
Now we (you) have to bail out the Auto Mfgs for pretty much the same reasons.

Personally... I think the banks should have failed and that big auto should fail too.
Yup yup... global depression, recession.... whatever.
And yes... that will totally affect my retirement, let alone the retirements of my family members.
It will ... would have been... devistating.
BUT it would have paved the way to a new way of doing business.
All we're doing now... is saying... "Hey, look... if we inject a shit load of other peoples money here and there... we can put all these problems off until the next generation is old enough to be screwed."
We're already poisoning the planet that our children will inherit.
Now we have to poison the systems of commerce that they will be saddled with as well.

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock... totally makes sense, except ... everybody always picks Spock.
I have to say... I am consistently satisfied by "The Big Bang Theory".
There's always something to make me laugh out loud. :)

mushy moment... feel free to skip along...
thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
... no really.
I just can't say it enough.
I know if things changed dramatically,
life would just roll along and something else would rise up to fill the void...
But as things are... well, I am so phenomenally appreciative of having you guys to turn to ...
To check up on, read about, track with, hope for, worry about, love to death, care about, laugh about...
I well and truly so very very lucky. :)

~ k... gotta jet... zoooom.

  • shiver

    You know that shiver you get through your shoulder blades and down your back when you feel cold. Maybe you’ve just left the restaurant and you’re…

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    as I read and read and read about "Selfies"... I quietly say to myself... "um... yeah, tell me again how selfies are a new thing." lol. :)

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  • shiver

    You know that shiver you get through your shoulder blades and down your back when you feel cold. Maybe you’ve just left the restaurant and you’re…

  • selfie

    as I read and read and read about "Selfies"... I quietly say to myself... "um... yeah, tell me again how selfies are a new thing." lol. :)

  • Monday, February 17, 2014

    Hiya. :) Today was one of those “oh look… LJ is still there” days. Oh how I miss the old days when LJ was pretty much a playground filled with my…