Hola (again)
Man... the days have been full.
Put in a good one today ... getting sorted for the first presentation tomorrow.
I bought a new potato peeler.
I am just total freaking excitement...
Cloudy, cold and bleh.
Oh, Suz "won" a draw at work to get two Senator tickets.
So we made the big decision to send Geo and Ed... on their own.
We dropped 'em off... Geo armed with his cell phone and text'ee fingers and clear instructions about dealing with Ed in a big crowd.
Suz and I did some groceries and dinner then home and then back to pick them up (we live close to the Corel Centre...er Scotiabank Place - dumb name...)
I got a "we're fine" "having a blast" etc. text message every now and then. :)
It went very well.
~ Wednesdays are real cookie cutter...
~ kids, work, food, kids, and then "relax'en". (It's 11:30... we're finally at the "relax'en" stage)
~ that irishgypsie doesn't think I'm too weird if they kinda turn me on ...
~ for quick returns from ear-ouch dungeon to bosox.
~ and that things go well with "all that" ... in the life and times of rini (squeeeeezes you big!)
Birthday moments...
Happy birthday celtic_bairn... I hope all is well and that the year ahead takes good care of you and the ones you love.
and to sometimes59... may your head not hurt tomorrow. :) Happy Birthday little sugar. I hope you have a truly wonderful year. :D
No seriously... McCain and the "can't raise his arms" thing...
I'm telling you... he's a muppet.
Ok, does anybody out there remember the George Lopez show?
Possibly remember the episode where they hired this "hood, gang chequita" to work at the factory... hard ass hard core latino thing...?
She would say this thing... "I knoooooow huh" (with this big stress on the 'huh" part)?????????????????????????/
Oh my god I love that... we all freaking do it in this house... we're all copying her... we do it all the flippen time.LOL.
(ok... sorry).