~ gang on muchacho!! y muchachas...
Quietly wishing I had had a burger for lunch yesterday.
~ up to usher the boys through the last "morning ritual" of the school week..
~ then work... to help with some minor crisis, excusing myself when it was over to go meet boss-man-big at starbucks...
~ an den... HOME. dude... I'm still paying huge bills on that thai lunch yesterday. I officially hate my ass. death to bum... die die die...
~ going to have "family movie night" tonight.
~ and generally... relax into the weekend.
~ I was skating today... but alas... and right now... this very minute... the world is gray and windy as a lot of rain gets ready to roll over us.
~ that the "door closing / door opening" thing kicks in for my friend, talashandy
~ that honuhoney enjoys all nine days...
~ and that galebird gets to feeling better. :)
If you are an independent adult... in a relationship or out...
you have two "worlds".
The work-world and (for lack of a better name) the life-world.
I used "life" there because my point is to illustrate something
that has to do with the edges of why the Life-World matters...
and the work-world doesn't.
By "doesn't matter"... I don't mean it's for shit or that you suck
or work sucks or anything like that...
All I'm say'en is that at the end of the day, all you really have is Life.
You work to live... not the other way around.
This is why I'm a bit of a grief bandit.
When I get grief in my work-world that infects my life-world...
I call people on it... to their face without a great deal of fan fare.
I can totally handle work-grief. It is "work" after all...
But ... a big "screw that" to the stuff people do that has no point
at work except to piss me off.
I don't leave my life-world and come to work... just to be
somebody's whipping boy or to put up with the stupids.
And I guess my point is... either should you.... "put up with the stupids" I mean.
Example borrowed from a situation that friends posted about today:
If you walk out of the bathroom carrying a newspaper and try to put that newspaper anywhere near me, let alone hand it to me or make me look at something in it... I will call you a pig and walk away from you.
Are you using [ ::
I am... on my own computer - not one the work one yet... No complaints yet.
Leaves all upside down
Mr Breezy up in your face
The skateboard waits.
* Long Live Google