I've far too much to say in Journal land today... something diametrically opposed to my actual work responsibilities .... we'll see how it all works out ...
~ it's swish swish day... or as my boss say's I'm wearing my snow pants today.
~ my totally fav short sleeve shirt and dem shoes, dem big-ass punk kick'ers... silly, heavy but I like them so deal.
~ a great big smile - no, not for that, alas... but closer and closer....
~ read a whole big pile of papers on my desk that are getting long in the tooth, a'wait'en for my attention.
~ finish up the last of the employee evals...
~ more project files... ug. and I need to do some errand running at lunch.
~ that being so emotional didn't get me into trouble with the people I love... you know who you are...
~ I owned a diamond rio 500 to get me dancing in the street with an excuse... 'cause do'en that without headphones really looks silly.
~ I could fully understand the complexities of how the sexual being becomes more and more depraved the longer it remains in limbo, or is that a function of being a total nut bar in the first place.
Just a few quick words...
~ of welcome: to my friends Shann and Shan (ectv) - I had you guys (who are so not guys!!!!) amazingly mixed up ... I am beyond pleased to be able to share this addiction with you...
~ of warning: there's something in the air... the moon, the cycles... I was warning ya about this the other day... be nice, cause there be dragons.
~ of care and concern: for my friend nic (gailbird)... I hope the sandcastles are really styling and fun honeybunny.... (the "honeybunny" was just for affect... please please don't be off'nded)
~ of joy: for Lisa, that uber-girl in Boston... little miss swoon girl... the best things are worth waiting for and you just cannot selfdestruct 'cause it takes so long.
OK... I got loads, but work calls... so later skater. You guys totally rawk me outside.