Mostly harmless (corto) wrote,
Mostly harmless

Survivor 15 Update!!!

Survivor XV: Brightly Colored... with Lead Paint.

It's Buddha Time!

Where in...  we get our first look at the new crew, as they weave their way from Shanghi to the Lake of a Thousand Islands, stopping long enough to stir up a little religious intolerance in a Buddhist temple. A few characters jump out of the screen at you and others look like they live in Jr's gut. Again with the two tribes, two camps, one's a party... the other's have shelter, their health and good prospects.  Of course, doing "survivor" in a floor length taffeta dress with heels... is pretty darn ridiculous. 

*To read the rest of this Survivor 15 Update, click below to jump directly to the post in the cor_realitytv community.*

(Never heard that ‘when in Rome' thing eh?)

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