Remarkable day... but only in a good way if you have some AC to escape into.
Brilliant sky... crazy hot.
~ start in pj pants... work work work...
~ switch to dressy bessy mode, and have a lunch-meeting with the "team"
~ back to shorts, and a tee for an afternoon of stressing
~ busy day with boss type meetings, client conferences and work work work...
~ to try to get the f#@& rid of this headache
~ make tacos for dinner...
~ pick Geo up at camp, play at their skate park for a bit...
~ go to "home owners association" meeting ...
~ home to relax... hopefully write the bb update
~ READ more HP with the boys and z at kids bed time. :)
~ I could escape this headache without getting the "big dim" that comes from taking mitten-loads of ibuprophen...
~ that there is some balance to be found in the life and fast-times of
~ to thank
~ and to offer up a moment of peaceful calm for
birthday moment..
Happy Birthday
Ah but for the tears that flow...
Giving breath to all that lurks and knits your brow.
When they're done... at least they're done,
and you get to yell NEXT at the top of what's left of your voice.
The ones that wont ... flow,
Now they're a challenge.
Tears gotta go somewhere.
They will water down your heart,
if you do all your crying
... on the inside.