I am never far from fond memories
of playing the doting uncle to the wee
bundles of smiles, tears, tiny fingers
and wonderful little voices that are my
nieces and nephews. So it is with K.
It's been almost seventeen years since
the first time I held her little tearful self
and gave her uncle love until she slept,
smiled or... just relaxed in caring arms.
Supporting my brother-in-law on the
unhappy occasion of the services held
to shepherd his mother to her final rest,
... I had a moment. He and I tried to
exchange a few words, but things caught
up and all we could do was hug for a
moment and give in to some of the tears.
He moved away, and when I looked up,
darling K caught my watery eyes and
warmly stepped over unbidden to hold
me for a moment... to just relax in caring arms.