Mostly harmless (corto) wrote,
Mostly harmless

  • Music:

Thursday, August 3

(gah!!! I loooooooove my cordless natural keyboard and mouse combo from microsoft. love love love it!)

I'm listening to a co-worker end her career with this client by arguing her ass off in a non-private setting with a new manager. Sigh.
stupid stupid stupid. Get a room man... and remember that you are a consultant. If you have clients lined up waiting for you... then cool, but "a bird in the hand" is way appropriate here.
I put on my headphones and tuned on the music so I don't have to listen to this... it's depressing.

Ok... back to reality. It's g-g-gorgeous out today. It rained like mad last night and dawned brilliant and ... (wait for it... ) cooler. Sigh. I know I know... many of my lj friends continue to bear the burden of dramatic heat. My heart goes out to you... especially the folks that have no route to cool... That being said... it's a lovely day here in the nation's capital. Sunshine, wispy clouds and a cool breeze is making me way happy.


Because it's inspection day!!! Tisha B'Av be damned... those hebrew types spend wwwwwwway too much time dwelling on negative shit anyways. (as do the christians, and the muslims... yer all wack to me... except the buddhists - those guys rock - check out Gross National Happiness Index a'la Bhutan).
[ :: gross national happiness :: ]

"Inspection day" translates into "pre-move inspection with the builder" where we march through the house with the owner of the company. I believe the expectation is that we spend the time smiling and nodding and fawning over what a lovely home it is. We'll do some of that... but ... we got some thangs to diss-cuss!!. mwaahahahaha... gah! I'll let you know how that goes...

~ blue ftls
~ black cotton cargos
~ black t and a weird green / khaki ? SSBUS... :)
~ to work early... early meeting with a 'new manager'. :)
~ sort out some paperwork for the bosses... (still haven't done my client time sheet - MUST DO TODAY)
~ leave at 11:30 for home...
~ 12:30 leave for the new house...
~ 1:15 begin the inspection.
~ after that? relax. :)
~ watch BB7 tonight...
~ nurse my cold. It still seems to be there... kinda in the back of my throat, like it wants to get sore but it's not there yet. sigh.
~ I felt 100% healthy...
~ to congratulate angryvixen and circlek on the newest "edition" in their family... :D :D
~ for weswilson to find a little peace and tranquility... well earned and well deserved.
~ and to welcome honuhoney home from her globe trotting trip. :)

Birthday moments...
A very happy birthday greeting out balljar. I hope there is a keen interest within your heart to make some type bound books of all the beautiful photographs you are shared with us... you're art is so very much worth ... keeping. Have a wonderful celebration and may you tread the path of this next year in the company of good health for all those you love, and the very best of fortune for you.
And jethro... a happy birthday to you too. May you find small adventures with big rewards for your heart and your soul as the next year unfolds before you. Have a wonderful birthday.

Lotus Notes ... makes me mental.

Don't keep your love a secret.
There will never come a day
When the people I love will wonder
Just how I feel.
Share that with me
And see the circles of your life
Give you true happiness.

143 muchachos y muchachas... :)

  • shiver

    You know that shiver you get through your shoulder blades and down your back when you feel cold. Maybe you’ve just left the restaurant and you’re…

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    as I read and read and read about "Selfies"... I quietly say to myself... "um... yeah, tell me again how selfies are a new thing." lol. :)

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  • shiver

    You know that shiver you get through your shoulder blades and down your back when you feel cold. Maybe you’ve just left the restaurant and you’re…

  • selfie

    as I read and read and read about "Selfies"... I quietly say to myself... "um... yeah, tell me again how selfies are a new thing." lol. :)

  • Monday, February 17, 2014

    Hiya. :) Today was one of those “oh look… LJ is still there” days. Oh how I miss the old days when LJ was pretty much a playground filled with my…