Holy beautiful day! Yesterday too! Just amazing... If you were ordering a weekend from the weather menu, this would be the expensive, snazzy main course!!
Yesterday ... just as lovely. We got up and made a run to the house after suzy got her hair cut and ... they didn't have a key! The master is with the lawyer already and the copies were with the "trades".... grrr! Hopefully, they got a key yesterday or this morning... 'cuz we wanna go back.
The outside is looking nice! :D They've started the landscaping, what with fill going in and the septic "yard" being tubed-up and graveled, etc.
We went to a community pool... one that has a diving board... and the boys were total water rats. :D
And man, is swimming a full-body-work-out or what?
~ black ftls
~ khaki shorts
~ cape cod shirt. :) (man, I loved cape cod!)
~ well... to call and see if they have the darn key!
~ do a "house" update
~ skate park? (Yes, I'll be taking it easy)
~ possible house visit
~ and ... zero stressing today...
~ oh, and little packing here and there.
~ there were fewer bugs in the life and times of mspish
~ ... I was allyn
~ that kataish didn't have to get up so early
~ and to send a nostalgic smile out to tassy
Birthday moments...
Happy birthday Shara... (suburbiadaze) and may you ... save plenty this year... :)
And dana7880! (I see you sneaking around)... Happy birthday sugar and I hope you have a wonderful year
... and to a likely absent _sickchick, I hope you're somewhere enjoying the day. :) Happy birthday.
and it's sunday... time to get busy having fun!~ :D
See ya on the flip.