Suz will have her birthday,
we will go camping,
and boxes will get all taped up and labeled.
In the blink of an eye, July will fall behind us and then it will be d-day... or m-day I suppose.
Life seems to be something that swirls like weather around August 8.
Everything is either something that matters before August 8th or matters after.
And if it's a "before" thing... well it's either related work or *gasp* unrelated... which tends to feel almost wooden,
like something you do to distract yourself from some personal drama.... "Affected".
And all that "after" stuff can sod off... get on... busy here... can't you see? yet... so much of that stuff is important stuff too.
Of course, there are still two boys to keep sorted with swimming lessons and summer camp and "anything" besides computer games and television...
and that whole career thing ...
Must keep delivering... daily, weekly,
... or else.
I foresee stress... and aggravation.
And I vow to fight both with my last claw.