It's sunny... I don't actually see blue sky anywhere but it must be there... or there'd be less of that whole "bright" thing happening. :)
Poor Geo was having some hard times processing something in his tummy last night... 3:00 am moaning boy on the bed ... bucket and towels.. but he never tossed. However... the dawn brought him a wee trip to the poopy relief zone (tmi?) and now he's doing much better.
We're thinking a trip to [ :: Andrew Haydon :: ]park is in order... :)
~ blue ftls
~ white t.
~ :D
~ oh ... refilling my coffee mug...
~ drinking coffee... :D
~ maybe have a shower soon...
~ might shave too...
~ then clothes and stuff. :)
~ off to a park somewhere near water with the boys... maybe skatepark later...
~ enjoying the Canada Day Holiday Monday (CDHM)!!
~ that bramey holds the good vibe from the big rub... for a while...
~ that wenchlette doesn't actually die from the heat
~ someone on my f-list would go check out [ :: this post :: ] and offer up a little photoshop help on skin tone...
~ and to wave at little sylph... :D
Birthday moments...
Happy birthday girleegrrl... and it sure would be nice to know how things have turned out for you ... However, enjoy your day - where ever you are - and I hope good health is dogging your every step.
Happy birthday little "ick" (ickzer1)... I know you've moved on... hopefully to somewhere that taxes you and brings out all the good stuff that needs to see light. :)
Going to check the web in a second for that mark... sigh. I suspect it might be there today... Kuala Lumpur is 12 hours ahead and they don't get CDHM... so maybe the mark is there? double-sigh. (edit: never mind... no mark yet... ~ goes crazy)
We had a family get together last night with Suz's side of the coin... to celebrate her birthday (mid july) and the b-days of two nieces and the graduation of yet a third niece... I'm just say'en... all these "little nieces" are growing up into amazing young women... Seeing the one graduate HS ... that I visited the day she was born... is quite a big deal inside my little heart. :)
Of course... when you're quite done with all the grown ups...
There's always my boys... :D