The gang I was skiing with all day. I had six specific children to monitor but basically they all took great care of themselves and I would show up making sure they had lunches, hadn't lost anything, were having fun and had all their goop when the bus came. :) Otherwise... I just skied like mad all day.
And a grand time was had by all. :)
Up to the hill by 10:00 am (school buses)... and everyone was skiing to "star tests" (get a star for being able to turn and stop in a controlled fashion... and you gotta have a star to ride the chair lifts) or skiing to lessons... within 15 minutes.
I spent a lot of time with the Never Skied Before kids... lots of collecting up kids and skies and poles and hats and gloves and stuff... after mid-hill spills. :)
Left Ski hill at 5:00.
Picked up Edward, had Mc Death for dinner and we were at Fencing by 6:30.
Wow... another killer day and I'm absolutely wiped.
Oh, and check the upper right oval image in the collage.
That's a teacher at the kids school... all the kids call her Mrs So-and-So (insert her real name there)... but I call her ... Becca! a girl I went to highschool with. :) Very popular teacher and in line to end up principal. Go Becca!