A nice night...
Geo and I played his "Sims 2" (gamecube) rental for a bit... he digs this kind of game... :)
While Ed "emperor of dune'd" for a while...
The boys and I laughed at the American Idol wannabees ...
and I managed to get them in bed, bedtime story's done, lights out, on time for a change. :D
I've been pretty much geeking away ever since. :)
Oh, and I had to go into Ed's room a half hour after he went to bed...
He needed me to remove an old wooden kiddy bedside table lamp (with a donkey on it) from the shelf in his closet... "my bears are scared of that..." (then close the closet door!)
Go take a look at the current iteration (sp?) of the "wood wizard" web site I've been working on (for my da!)
[ :: Wood Wizard :: ]
I'm looking for criticism on that...
The hosting server was running a bit slow when I posted this but it may have improved.
I realize a couple of the animations are too dark and the catalogue is just basically a placeholder right now, so don't worry about that page.
I'm using a table / div tag thing that makes me really wonder how it looks on other peoples screens...
Resolution and screen size issues should be good here... with the main image centered on the screen.
It's NOT "down 25% from the top of the screen" (in the style sheet) when I look at the page in firefox... but it's fine in IE.
So I'm guessing it has to do with CSS2 compliance in Firefox?
and... do you like it?