Sunshine... chilly weather... and snowbanks the block your view.
We woke up to the radio talking about FORD laying off 10's of thousands of workers.
I mean... did they think they could just make vast numbers of vehicles for the NA market forever...
Let alone keep them all priced like a 1970's house?
Good riddance. Sorry... but I have no sympathy for the automobile manufacturers.
It's Election Day in Canada.
I expect no glory for our country on this day.
We shall see as the night overtakes us.
~ black stripee ftls
~ white t, white dress shirt...
~ dark suit... and a two tone blue tie.
~ oh, and a wee bit of a smile too!
~ er... well, work all day and play all night? Z'at work for ya?
~ I have a temple-based headache. They (these) are the weirdest of the headaches. Not a migraine... not a sinus... not an injury... no idea what causes it but it's a whole of ick.
~ about to head out to a meeting, then coffee, lunch hour, and an afternoon of fun filled excitement... er... not. Mostly... I just want to make some progress on my project.
~ oh and some work stuff... but I'll save that for a non-public post...
~ We're taking small dents out of the backlog of shows on the pvr... and we totally dug LOST last night. :) They should have all opened fire on those guys... despite the "ring of fire". (and I'm just soooooo not loving Jack any more...) OH OH OH... AND CHARLIE IS ENGAGED TO KATE ... in real life. :) (cool huh!)
~ for a whole lot of good health to wrap around
~ for
Birthday moments...
Happy Birthday

Today is a big day. It's election day in Canada and ... ... and I suspect there will be something of a change in store for our future.
Canadians are going to learn some hard lessons over the next year...
But the years ahead have a habit of becoming the years behind us, and I will always hold out hope for the forces of good winning the day over the forces of evil. "Evil" in this case is a walking, talking, Bush Loving, Social Conservative Agenda that has a plastic hair cut and will tread happily on the little people.
I know or have known, so many women that are... really very average, yet think they are the absolute shit... and simply beautiful, smart, successful women with no self esteem what-so-ever. They all move small mountains to ensure that the mask they select to face their worlds is firmly in place. Players on both teams in this remarkably unfair and destructive game typically cannot imagine the perspective of the other.
"She is so attractive that she has to ugly up to go to work because she doesn't want to be stereotyped..." makes so little sense to someone that gets up at 4:00 am because it just takes that long to get herself dolled up....
There comes a time... for the lucky ones, when the truth of beauty and happiness finds a woman.
The answer is not clear enough to simply say... because nothing compares to the understanding that experience can give.
However... let me just say, you are never more beautiful than at the times when you are truly yourself, in love... and loved in return.
... and there is nothing requiring less work... than simply being yourself.
Two nights a week... when I go to bed... I reach into the cupboard behind the mirror and slip out a treat.
My face is washed, and when my fingers peel the package open ... I am genuinely excited.
I peel the backing off, and press the adhesive against the proper place across the bridge of my nose.
Pressing down the sides... then release.
There is nothing to compare to the joy of wearing a breath-right strip while I sleep.
Not ever night... for fear of becoming dependent... let alone the cost factor.
But to breathe... deeply without doing a scrunchy thing with my face as I breath in...
Oh... and it helps with snoring. :)
Have a wonderful day muchachos... y muchachas. :)