~ hours of "Uno Extreem" ... man that little card shooter thing is evil! :)
~ We didn't get to see the play I had been jonesing for all season... (very bummed) but we missed it because I lost track of the date... (the play ended yesterday, not today, as I had thought).
~ most of the time... I'm doing pretty good with the sore tail bone thing... right up until I ... you know, move. This is testing every gram of "resist saying fuck out loud around the kids" capability I have. When I move wrong... (I'm starting to see that any "effort" I exert on my left but cheek is key) I suck this nasty little breath in and my mind wants desperately to go all terrets on everyone. I've said fiddlesticks several times today... and with feeling!
~ I still managed to get groceries, make breakfast and lunch for the boys and dinner for everyone... I wanted to get out to the land today but ... it was so cold and slippery out... we decided to put it off.
~ [ :: this web site is pretty groovy... :: ] (thanks vaun!) (it's Blinkx tv)
~ now it's time to talk to the admiral... again... and go watch the first three hours of last seasons 24... (dvd glory).