Mostly harmless (corto) wrote,
Mostly harmless

So... a couple of things...

~ go [ :: here :: ] which opens a new window to "gridskipper" and a photo contest... and while you're there... vote for bronxelf (because we should use our power for good! :D)

~ also... I'm reading this right... right? Lost is a repeat and Invasion is not even on? (sigh).

~ I'm getting nothing in the way of feedback on the [ :: Gallery :: ]. This is either because i'm just talking to myself (pin drop time) or it has a great giant suckage factor.
My hope was (is) to use that for a way to lay out the gazillion pictures I'm gonna have of the house as it's going from the "gem of an idea" stage to the "walk through here..." stage. So... feedback? Does the interface work for you? Does anything suck about it? :D :D gimmi. :)

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