Mostly harmless (corto) wrote,
Mostly harmless

Friday, September 16

Oh yeah... tired boy when I woke up... The boys were exhausted and *gasp* didn't come into our bed last night... and I passed out on each of their beds when I went on the "wake up the boys" mission. :D hahaha...

Breakfasts, kids off to buses, shower, shave, smooching my sugar as she zooms away to work and then snagging a 'bucks coffee on my own way out... Life is good baby. :) I'm off to set my office back up at the center of the corporate galactic core and jones after a renewal of my gig with my last client. :)

~ black stipee flts... (another pair!! sheesh!)
~ beige p-z jeans... [ :: at least these fit... :: ]
~ new shirt that z came home with the other day... kind of short sleeve shirt with along sleeve shirt sewn into it...
~ try not to get tooo distracted... but more on that later...
~ go to my actual office... with all my stuff...
~ setup shop again... (cams on!!! :D)
~ and be immediately tossed onto another fricking bid process... begins reading resumes again... ahhhhhhhhh (kill me now!!!!!!!!!!!)
~ write about survivor at lunch...
~ smile... a lot... (I'm just kinda happy snappy at the moment)
~ that it doesn't rain tomorrow... company golf tourny... on a saturday - of course...
~ that ladymeg1 enjoys her new gig... coffee mug an all! :D
~ for the world of ladytess to spin right... at least for a while... :)
~ and that there's a little light to shine on misskris... just to warm her up a bit...

Birthday moment...
Happy birthday sweet sirenity... you're my "island girl"... haha... Have a wonderful year with Sophie and your main squeeze... May all the challenges that you face - and there will be plenty - be moments that bring you greater confidence, closer to your man, and end with you wrapped around your little snuggle bug of a baby. :)

/// Ok... so do you believe me when I say "we are all the same"? what about the people that wake up in Iraq? the citizens... the old men, young children, mothers, sisters... waking up and needing to brush their teeth to get last nights snack off their breath. People all over the world are - in so many ways it's silly - the same. Religious and racial differences can be peeled away with ease... if your goal is to find the humanity within.
So, lets say you can grok this idea ... no lets look at New Orleans. The city was flooded and vast amounts of gross were spread around... and dead things... dead people... dead houses... dead cars... dead things every where... and it was only a bunch of water. And the city is DEVASTATED. The government is talking about rebuilding and it costing something like 100 or 200 BILLION dollars to rebuild the city. You know New Orleans ... is a small city. It has roughly the same population as Ottawa and Ottawa is sprawling... but not a big city by Toronto, Montreal, Chicago, Boston, LA standards. Not even close. One hundred billion dollars. And all the terrifying stories... the sad and sickening images!!! The people there... have really suffered a loss.
Now... imagine Baghdad... a big city by any standard of comparison... vast population... and bombed relentlessly for weeks! It's complete social, economic and civil infrastructure ... blown to shit. Rebuilding? 100 billion? ha! drop in the bucket baby... but... the death... tens of thousands of citizens... blown up... burned alive... shot... (mostly blown up) ... and now? car bombs continue to spread body parts across the broken city... except now it's other whack jobs blowing things up and not the vast might of the United States military machine. But ... I'm not thinking they really care - "blown up on the way to the store for milk" is still blown up no matter who does it. Their city is still devastated... as are other cities in their country... they continue to bury their families... and pray for power or water to function... let alone a government.
I'm just saying... we're all the same... imagine how fricking hard this is for the average guy or girl trying to grow up in iraq... sigh.

Well phew!!! man, I feel so much better about the way things are going in the states now... I mean... all those things Georgie was saying on the television last night... the stuff he was saying between the times he was pausing to look meaningfully into the camera... those were some powerful words!!! I was especially moved by the ones about rebuilding New Orleans... but doing it higher... and you know... that camera angle... slightly down-in-front... really makes his neck vanish. All "dude ranch" shirt, no neck and little pointy chin... That man is an inspiration! Americans sure are lucky that they get to see him on their televisions at night.

a failure to agree is never a good enough reason to fail at getting along.
still happens ... a lot. but it's not a very good reason.
you have to look inside to find the real reasons

... later sk8ers. :)

  • shiver

    You know that shiver you get through your shoulder blades and down your back when you feel cold. Maybe you’ve just left the restaurant and you’re…

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    as I read and read and read about "Selfies"... I quietly say to myself... "um... yeah, tell me again how selfies are a new thing." lol. :)

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  • shiver

    You know that shiver you get through your shoulder blades and down your back when you feel cold. Maybe you’ve just left the restaurant and you’re…

  • selfie

    as I read and read and read about "Selfies"... I quietly say to myself... "um... yeah, tell me again how selfies are a new thing." lol. :)

  • Monday, February 17, 2014

    Hiya. :) Today was one of those “oh look… LJ is still there” days. Oh how I miss the old days when LJ was pretty much a playground filled with my…