~ install new track lighting in kitchen... (finally, we're able to make a decision on a light for the ever dark kitchen ... six months later)
~ install new chandeleer in dining room... (75% off sale... couldn't resist...)
~ meansure, cut, glue, drill, cut, build and connect new path for the central vac to an "under the kitchen counters - floor - kick plate" thing... (always wanted to do this... in fact, I thought of it, thought "how perfect would that be..." and then found that they existed... :D - but ... no chance I'll get to that today... but I did go and buy all the bits).
~ go to MILs house and sort out "apple care" with her... (decided to apply for it... based on your advice...)
~ go to Moms house and finish install of new o/s ... The wireless lan card isn't being detected... but I didn't install the ASUS mainboard disk yet... maybe theres a related driver in there somewhere.
~ make dinner... hmmmm?
sigh... sundays.