holy crap was I ever tired this morning... I did the coffee pre-set thing again... I even got up, got the coffee and was sorted to sip and listen to the news... and then I passed out on the chair. The morning went along well 'nuf and I even managed to get to work in good time... but dude... I'm really tired today.
The storms last night were dramatic... some guy my age was struck my lightening at the mall parking lot near out house... we were getting lightening strikes all freaking over the place... (dude is in hospital and gravely hurt)... but no matter how bad... it sure was awesome... :) I love lightening storms...
oh, and does anyone own a Cannon Elph SD200 ? My SIL and MIL just bought one each and while I LOVE LOVE LOVE the camera... I'm just wondering what gotchas might show up after a few months etc...
~ green ftls
~ dk green dockers
~ pale, gray green short sleeve shirt...
~ green day... :D
~ and no, all this green is not part of a plan... it's something I don't realize until I start typing the words "green ftls..."
~ where as... women, or so I've been told on several occasions, do this on purpose... all the time... :)
~ 9 to 5 day... that's 8 hours, minus 1 for lunch... so 7... minus 4 that go to three meetings scheduled today... leaving me with 3 hours to get started, wrap up and "do" all the things that need "doing" today... besides going to meetings and listening... *sigh*.
~ pizza for dinner
~ Geo soccer game at 6:15...
~ Big Brother on the Tube ...
~ and some plottin and scheem'en. :)
~ that the folks stressing about comments... give'en and gett'en... find their happy place. Lj works better when you treat it like a "push" process instead of a "pull" process. From my perspective... I just "push" my words out and bask in the glory of knowing that I get to do that unhindered. If my happiness or "value derived" from lj was framed on the comments I get back... I'd be one bummed little boy. It does make me happy that so many friends let me hang around on the journal even though I rarely comment on it... :)
~ that my western angela... mz
~ for some good mommy vibes to find their way into
~ to send a few nice vibes to
~ ... and I really wish I could spend a bit of me on giving some strength to
/// I wonder if I take you home... would you still be in love baybay... in love baybay...
// I miss smoking... I hate smoking... but man... I could smoke ... I could smoke in an instant... it's been 10 months. gah!
/ A thought.
If time is money, and time is fleeting and money is power... then power is fleeting.
So the powerful will someday fall.
A moment in the sun that is really nothing more than a transition from here to there.
I will not be afraid of your power.
We will wait and let the sun rise on the new days that are surely before us.
Try as you might... you cannot buy time.
k... I gotta go to another one of those meetings.