Mostly harmless (corto) wrote,
Mostly harmless

Thursday, May 26

Well I finished my wee project last night... and yeah, twenty five things could be better... but at least I managed to set it on a web page so I can see how often it is accessed. I want that video to flow... to go out to the big world and be copied... where should I post links to it? Hmm... advice?? :D Oh and I have a 14 meg version.. but the video quality fades and it’s just... I dunno... ick.

Lost! No spoilers here... but I gotta say... Jacks got quite the freak level of a massive ego going on there. The season ender was a really great show!!

It started sunny and six kinds of wonderful today... I’m not sure but I suspect there’s weather coming though... no doubt it’ll hit at soccer tonight. :D hahaha...

~ black ftls
~ blue dockers again... sigh
~ tommy shirt... and my new tie... weeeeee (gah!!)
~ Freaking MEETING CITY... lord luv a duck... what ever happened to "lets get some work done?" and why was it replaced with "hey... lets go sit around in board rooms till WE DIE..." ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
~ last night was Geo’s first practice... tonight is the first game!!! (they even got groove stations jersey’s this year...) - and Edwards soccer is on the weekend....
~ oh, and the Alias season finale (on last night to PVR – Hello serpah) is on for tonight...
~ like mad that nbbmom and the house gods get along today...
~ that serpah totally digs the LOST season ender tonight. Can that show flip me out any more? wow!!
~ that all continues to be well for paperdoil and her little eggbert

// A pox on friends that drop you, don’t list an email and wont accept comments from non-friends. How are you supposed to communicate? Oh... I see... you’re not. Ahh...

// Are you an American? Do you know what the American Rendition Program is? You should ask your elected officials to explain that to you.

// I realize that court cases give closure to the families of murder victims... but ... I mean, dead is dead. Once you know... everything after that is just so much talk... unless you’re going to choke the fucker in the court room... I’m listening to the recent news about the seriously messed up BC Pig Farmer that off’d all those girls ... Like Brick Top said... "never trust a Pig Farmer". Period.

K... gotta go... to a meeting (said like Signfeld saying "Newman!")

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