Like today for instance...
My MS Word app just decides... it no longer wants to let anybody type.
It would run alright... I could open docs and "click" into them... but should I be so bold as to type... ZZZZZZAP. All instances of MS Word vanish with out a trace... no file saving... no questions... no little abandoned temp files... JUST GONE.
So in the middle of all this bid madness... sitting in the downtown office with the bid team... and I got nothing. They had to take my lap top away and fix it... I just got it back and the only thing they could do was to reinstall MS Office except using a non-standard version. They used Office 2003 while most of everyone else uses office xp.
Now I'm back in business.
oh, and I tried to make a phone post at lunch but the number I have programmed into my cell was bad... I need to try that again later.
I went on this fabulous walk at lunch behind the parliament buildings... taking pictures and stuff... it was really very nice. :D :D
Ok, it's 3:00 and I've a half days work to do by 4:30... (sigh).
See ya.