Well... what can I say... It's snows in Toronto... Boston... every where around them lakes... but here? It's all sunshine and Mommy Nature ice cream. It's a gorgeous day again. We'll prol'y have a tornado or something on the weekend... but I'll take dripping-sun-shine-and-warmth while I can get it baby. :)
We got a note from my Globe Trotting parents last night... and in typical mommy and daddy fashion, there was some cryptic reference to having a great time "despite some little calamity" or something... (I forget the exact phrase). So what I'm saying is that ... well ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING COULD HAVE HAPPENED knowing my families predisposition towards hiding broken legs, and all manner of challenge from one another until the absolutely last moment. So... join me in a weird moment of hoping everything is ok with them and that the next five weeks pass on their cruise with only good reports. :)
It's Thursday... which is Pizza day at the kids school... which is my ABSOLUTE favorite school day... 'cuz I don't have to make lunches... :D
Tra La La... :)
(heroic pose of the lazy daddy).
~ blue ftls
~ beige p-z jeans...
~ dk blue b.u.m. equip t with a big blue turtleneck...
~ yo! Bid Biotch...
~ oh, and watch Alias tonight (taped from last night)
~ go buy the parts for my SILs computer...
~ get a hair cut... if possible... (sigh... I soooooooooooo need a hair cut)
~ that the life and times of
~ to send a great big giant geeky question mark out to sugar-bronze... er...
~ the Play Station Portable... or whatever it's called... had a really great PIM type contact management "GAME" so I could get one and say I need it like I need a palm... oh wait... I don't need a palm... rats.
~ to say "thanks for being confusing" to
~ that sugar-pook...er...
~ and finally, to point out that reading Ak-Kit Monkey Mama and her dialogs with Darling John... is serious
Hey... Happy Birthday to my fav HAC*... :)
So there's this guy here in Ottawa... he was just in court... saying (and I quote) "I was just trying to scare her... I'm from Africa!! and it's normal to scare your woman for an African man." What did he do? Well the police got there while she was cowering with her child in their apartment on the phone with 911 while he hacked through their front door with a SWORD... screaming at her about how he's gonna kill er.
Let me just say...
Dear Stupid Fucking Loser:
Please enjoy your stay with Jacque, Bubba and Eugine in the big house. And don't worry... they're from JAIL... it's normal for them to scare their newest bitch.
Ass munch.
Ok... time to go. :D
Have a wonderful day-before-a-day-off.
* HAC: hot asian chick... :)