Good morning. :)
It was suuuuuper foggy last night... and it being February and all...there eventually came the cold snap. So now everything... trees, bushes, cars, walls, signs... everything has a layer of frost over it. It's kinda neat. :)
Yesterday... was as precious a "family day" as I can imagine.
Of course, I'm not actually in any of the pictures... again. :)
We packed up early and went to the kids first ski school lesson... and, of course, Z and I skied around while they did their thing. Then we skied together after that... had luchy snacks...skied some more and went on the "tube run" with is a seperate cost (bastaches!!!) but a lift on a tube to the top of this killer steep, fast like freakout, innertube run. Oh my god... it was fun! Edward was in tears before we began... afraid... and then in tears at the bottom because we weren't going again. :)
The boys did great in their lesson... Geo is bombing down every hill at the mountain. :)
We're planning a march break trip to Gray Rocks... and I've been looking at Sunshine Village brochures... oh man... :)
It's amazing... a wonderful kind of amazing... how great you feel after a day of total... head to foot... fresh air and exercise ... in winter.
We watched Manchurian Candidate last night... hmmm... there were some good performances and even a compelling story... but honestly... I felt like it was all filler.
Maybe I was just in the wrong mood for that movie. :(
I did, however, watch Battlestar Gallactica (taped from last night) in the middle of the night... which was eleven kinds of fun. :)
~ pj pants...
~ beige t
~ big warm, very old, red sweat shirt...
~ getting my legs to like me again...
~ ug... well, TKD is this'aft...
~ generaly "house maintenance" and lazyness...
~ this next week at work is gonna be nasty... so I'm taking it easy today!
~ oh... just a few random wishes for no ... tomorrow huh...
~ that um... jerris_darkrun enjoys the ... er... bullfrog deal. :)
~ to send a some good vibes to jenny_rambles ... just cuz...
You know... I really gotta go get the kids started on their Kumon.
Talk to you later skaters... er... Sk8rs... :)