Absolutely freezing freaking cold.... but sunny. The sun is like a lure... to get you to go outside... and then you freeze and die. :)
I have this tack board on the wall behind my desk... with family photo's lj friends have sent me... and due to the randomness of putting pictures up there...
The boys wanted "laser tag" for christmas...
It was their big "santa" gift... seeing as mom and dad just could not find it anywhere... they were all... sold... out....
~ oh my god were they excited.
er... ok you can actually see them in [ :: this picture :: ]
~ pj pants...
~ white t
~ and a bit of a face that needs shave'en. :)
~ a shower... shaving... dressing... ;)
~ install a bunch of software on Z's new pc...
~ sort out the parts I want for my new pc...
~ go to staples and make 'em honour the "price protection" guarantee... (our monitors are on boxing week sale!!)
~ go sledding with the boys... :)
~ to just send out a few warm vibes to
~ like mad that
~ that
~ to just point out that if you're working today... I hope your day goes quickly and you get home safe and sound. :)
Now then...
Some more of Club December... before I run out of december...
Dec 23:
Dec 24:
Dec 26:
Dec 26:
Dec 27:
Dec 27: