Gray and rather thick out there... but there's blue sky dripping through between big puffies. :D
As usual, Saturday was all over busy... We've been sorting things out to sand and "cetol" the back deck... But actually finding a rentable deck sander (big honking upright thing) has been proving to be a trick. We did benches and railings yesterday... Today I sand the deck surface and this afternoon???? we apply the cetol.
Oh and I got a major hair cut...
We watched The Butterfly Effect last night... we watched the "Directors Cut" and then watched the ending of the "Theatrical" version... (does anyone know if the ending is the only difference?) What a great movie. Loads of great concept issues brought out and man... when he was Mr. Armless boy ... ahhhh...
~ green ftls
~ blue jeans
~ gray t...
~ it's all about the deck...
~ big honking elevendybillion pound deck sander awaits
~ a dinner party at my BIL's house for Z's birthday (last week)
~ I made a seriously kick-ass potato salad for tonight... and yes, even "potato salad" can be kick ass... so there.
~ and then? we'll see. :D
~ to send out some calm, quiet, and caring vibes to my friend
~ I can find the time to catch up on
~ to send a few props out to
~ some TTB wishes for
~ and loads of hopeful vibes for my friend
:::::::::::: mere moments ago...
Ed: "Dad!! Stop calling me names!!"
"huh? Did I? What did I call you?"
"Sweet Knuckle Brain!"
"And you don't like that?"
"Of course not..."
"Oh... alright."
But nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight
You got to kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight
(lovers in a dangerous time)
That line speaks volumes to my heart...
Ok... I'm busy boy and I have to fly.
I hope you have a wonderful day... where ever you are. :D