The sun has come out again... the wicked discomfort of total despondency has lifted in light of the massive recovery I managed to make last night. I mean, I deleted the single partition on the drive... formated the drive (full versus quick) NTFS and then installed an O/S ... patched it and installed MS Office... and still managed to recover 4+ gigs of image files from the pre format disk... man... just goes to show ya.... it takes several hundred million volts of electricity or a box of shells from a healthy hand gun to really remove files from a hard disk.
PREGNANT?? go and take my poll. [ :: here :: ]
It is a crazy beautiful day out there... but they (those people that are always wrong, btw) are calling for t-storms this afternoon. I wont hold my breath.
~ red stripee ftls...
~ friday's blue jeans... [ :: fresh from the dryer and uber comfy :: ]
~ dk blue shirt... buttons... and kinda in need of an iron... but screw it... it's friday baybee..
~ to finish the "external web site" project...
~ start reading background material for a new project (BS15000 stuff)
~ watch the bb5 stuff that I have on tape ... :D
~ to thank you all for the great vibes yesterday... and the big helping hands.
~ I had a tape of Dennis Miller and the dishwasher discourse... hahaha...
~ to send some Big Wishes out to sirenity ... who's having that little baby ... any day now!!!
~ that crayolaphoenix would... um... you know, get some sleep.
~ I could hand a few hugs to alma_perdida... just 'cause.
~ and some quiet little wishes that things stay in control for hotblue... no really.
So much to read... my god people... :D :D ... you can call me silly names and make fun of me if you like but I still find that clicking print on my friends pages and reading them walking round outside on a break is the best way to actually get ya in my head. :D
// um...
Ok... so here a thing;
If the KKK operated an outreach program for disaffected youth (white, of course) and maybe ponied up for the odd financially challenged community members hospital bill and gave out a few college scholarships ... would that make them ok? What about them Illinois Nazi's? (sorry, blues brothers joke there) but still... the north american Nazi party exists... what if they built a hospital? or maybe set up several community associations.... would it be ok to go to those "associations" and partake of their services? FUCK NO. Not even for a second!!! Little freak'en nazi's can all jack boot themselves to death for all I care... and the Grand Wizard should be in jail... period.
Alright... so what about an organization that wages war against equal rights and talks tolerance yet takes it's strength from a culture of guilt, intolerance and exclusion?
~ that supports massive disinformation campaigns to keep birth control from underprivileged third world societies?
~ has waged more and bloodier wars than any arian freakazoid could ever dream of... for profit and to punish people for not being on their team?
~ protects-from-prosecution child molesting paedophiles and other varied sexual deviants...
~ stock piles monetary contributions from you for purposes undisclosed...
~ yet never manages to step up to the plate when entire societies of their faithful are starving and dying... and instead rely on the international tax collecting governments to sort those problems out.
So what if they set up a hospital, build a few community associations and paid a some college tuitions... heck... build a few universities...
Does that make them ok?
// hate me yet? yeah, whatever.
Have a fantastic friday muchachos y muchachas... :D