Happy Canada Day
~ a day off work.
~ a day to be lazy...
~ a day to be thankful that we live in a country where there are, indeed, far fewer guns than in the US, and where there also just happen to be (but no related reason... gufah!... far fewer deaths by gun....
~ a day to be reflect on the notion that maybe we actually will succeed in making our citizens feel equal... and be equal...
~ and a day to be happy we are free to be unique and hold our opinions and beliefs (or lack there of) close out hearts and on our shirt sleeves.
~ pj pants...
~ 3WV Tshirt...
~ a sleepy grin.
~ to have an exceptionally lazy, good for nuthing, slovenly day!!
~ oh, and work on the kite... [ :: it's almost done :: ]
~ that maybe I'll get around to a little pirate-like project that I have on the back burner... more on this developing story later. :D
~ that all is well in the land of her_whispers
~ to send calming vibes out to ladyfire...
~ I had enough the big bucks... so I could hire no1topaz ... you know... to just have her as an employee...
Hey... thank you to all those kind souls that posted big happy schmappy Happy Birthday Canada posts... I mean, from england, the US and parts farther flung... it's actually a very nice treat to see that kind of action. :D
Edward and Geo slipped into wakefulness at like... 9:15... and I didn't have to get out of bed till 9:30... dude... that's amazingly good for my brain. :D :D Of course, I had to make nachos for Ed... breakfast of champions I tell ya... (and yeah, I know... natchos is much more fun to type).
It looks like rain... and it is seriously looking like a great day to be a sloth!! wohoooo... :D
Happy Slothing... :D
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