Mostly harmless (corto) wrote,
Mostly harmless

  • Music:

de-bigulator! Tuesday, June 8

Thank you ... thank you very much...

Yeah... so the alarm went off... and after snoozing once I got up and started sorting myself out to see the transit... only to find that the lovely growing forest out my back door was making it really freaking hard to get a bead on the rising sun... Oh sure... it shines through the trees and lights up our kitchen... but but but but... I'd have had to dash around my back yard in my underpants to get an good angle. I finally got one at 7:20 and fuck if I could see anything... so I crawled back into bed for a 10 minute snuggle and then got the day started. :D

~ blue ftls...
~ new dk blue dockers (yes... after 7 months... I finally got them)
~ two tone blue golf shirt...
~ to find someone or something that can properly explain how "relative" positions in style sheets (html) work as opposed to absolute... ... I mean, relative to what? I would have though it was to the last z-referenced element... but that does not seem to be the case... grrrrrr
~ begin a new public facing web page for the team...
~ and do a bunch of reading to continue the process of building the BS15000 reusable engagement...
~ hmm... tuesday night... maybe... just maybe... get to that video work tonight...
~ I had a copy of Army Of Darkness to watch... (no, I've never seen it... want to...)
~ ladyfire has a nice time tanning at lunch....
~ that kumi remembers... no punching the boys... gives a girl big knuckles... :D
~ to send some quiet, appreciative and love'en vibes out to my friend saxton... who is more than she knows.
~ that life would spin in just the right way so that I could end up in a casual restaurant with wolfiegirl ... boy would I enjoy that company. :D

We went to a friends house for dinner last night... with the boys...
These are the friends from the west coast...
So two "months old" babies... two toddlers...
and our two boys... It was a busy time...
and completely enjoyable.

Oh and dude at dinner was dealing with the cuts of meat we were serving the kids...
They were too big.. so we had to cut 'em up.
His comment was that we needed to put the meat in the "de-big-ulator". Say that fast...
What a perfect word.

The current election'eering in Canada...
Makes me think about credibility.

Credibility seems to me to be a "fixed mass" concept.
There is a specific amount of credibility out there and the various candidates are vying for their share.
If you have any... then it's at the expense of another.
Sure, you can say that every one of them could have "credibility" but, besides messing with my little story,
that still doesn't negate the notion that if one candidate gains credibility...
he or she does as another candidate loses some.
Unfortunately, like a "right of way" you cannot claim credibility... it has to be yielded to you.
Showing up your opponent and claiming they have lost credibility doesn't enhance your own credibility.
It's an "earned" thing.

The Liberal Government, lead by Paul Martin, former Finance Minister and current PM just does not have much credibility.
So where has all that credibility gone...? Who got it?
Not Layton (NDP)... I mean... he talks a good talk but it's still a socialist agenda the marginalizes effort and contribution.
The Green party? Maybe... I dunno who's leading them... but whoever it is... is prol'y stuck to a tree somewhere in British Columbia so screw 'em.
This leaves the Conservative party... will they pick it up? That available credibility?
I think that this is the only thing standing between NOW and a Conservative win in the June 28th election...
While it will likely be a minority government... hence, kinda useless...
All that has to happen for the Conservatives to win... is for Harper (Conservative candidate) to earn a little of that available credibility before the Crime Boss (Martin).
All they (the Conservatives) have to do to screw it up completely, is get caught up in trying to "claim credibility" - which backfires, or field a lie that gets caught.
Ok ... this is hugely boring...
I'll shut up now. :D

Have a great day!!!

  • shiver

    You know that shiver you get through your shoulder blades and down your back when you feel cold. Maybe you’ve just left the restaurant and you’re…

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  • shiver

    You know that shiver you get through your shoulder blades and down your back when you feel cold. Maybe you’ve just left the restaurant and you’re…

  • selfie

    as I read and read and read about "Selfies"... I quietly say to myself... "um... yeah, tell me again how selfies are a new thing." lol. :)

  • Monday, February 17, 2014

    Hiya. :) Today was one of those “oh look… LJ is still there” days. Oh how I miss the old days when LJ was pretty much a playground filled with my…