Hi. :D
There are soft fluffy (wow.. "fluffy" is an absurdly silly word... say it over and over a few times... it's almost as bad as "groom") ... ok ok ...
Let me start that again...
There are soft fluffy and brilliantly white clouds in a sun drenched sky....
the air is a bit crisp thanks to a breeze thats still brushing away the morning dew...
and I am happy.
and I should stop there because that is the exact message I want to carry into the rest of my day.
~ green ftls
~ beige p-z jeans
~ dk (hunter!! lol) green short sleeve button up shirt and the office better not be too cold today...
~ um... my brown hush puppies... which feel pretty much like slippers after wearing the black dockers all week.
~ um... continuing to migrate "absolute" positional references to "relative" references on the style sheet controlling the internal web page...
~ rewriting a bunch of profile data on my cv...
~ to visit some director that was visiting our cube zone yesterday... apparently I magically made him feel awkward and uncomfortable ... sheesh.
~ for the safety of the families and friends my friends here have in saudi... you know who you are...
~ to send a little head patten mommy moment to the incredible shrinking _jamielynne_. Just wait till she can carry you to bed and tuck you in...
~ that I can soon gather up some of the great summertime vibes that sin_da_rella has... :D
~ to hold a small moment good vibes at 1:30 for wikkidpixie
~ and yo! wbahner
~ ladyfire... good luck today.
~ that I had a magic wand... because you know I'd wave it around hotblue... hoping for relief sugar.
~ to send some friendly thoughts out to stephiechai ... just 'cause
~ and to keep my friend auntyadele in my thoughts...
The X project is ramping towards a crescendo ... June 21 the Roton entry... [ :: It's called SpaceShipOne (versus "The Roton" as it was originally called) funded by Paul Allen and conceptualized by Burt Rutan will lift off and fly to a an sub-orbital distance of 62 miles. :: ] They have to do that with passengers twice in the same vehicle within seven days to claim the X prize (I think it's 10 million...) The point? When our governments do anything... they do it big and expensive. When entrepreneurs do it... it's fucking cool as shit! This may seem like a small thing... but when the books on these times are written decades from now... they will point to this event as a turning point. I know it. It's about as inspirational as it's possible to be from a "what ever mankind can imagine..." point of view...
How cool is that... (and thanks canuckgirl