~ fine... I realize that bonus is not a plural ... that has no bearing on how much I enjoy saying bone-i ("bone-aye").
~ the livejournal baby making factory is in full swing... team time bomb is on the grow...
~ a telemarketer called today and Z answered. He promoted to her that there was a special offer on the table for us to receive a newspaper for $1 per week... Meanwhile we already subscribe to that paper and it costs $15 per month. Sooooooooo... telemarketer dude was a bit curfluffled but I'm on the phone with circulation tomorrow and demanding the deal... "cancel my sub right away... I want to resubscribe for 1$ per week!!!" (bone-i)
~ how do you configure an apache server on linux to serve up http://username.corto.ca versus what I get now for a user which would be http://www.corto.ca/~username ? (hey, I said "random")