Mostly harmless (corto) wrote,
Mostly harmless

Sunday!! March 28

The sun is shining, the air is clear and fresh...
my windows will be open...
and yeah, it'll be a bit cold but tough!
It's officially a beautiful day! and I love it.

Yesterday... was, as per usual, very busy... however, it ended in a nice "date night" with Suz...
We went to see "Taking Lives". She found it a bit predictable, but good... and I loved it.
Movies can make me laugh... or cry... or be amazed... but I love a good fuck-with-your-head-story the most. :D

We tormented barista's and ate cake afterwards... although, it is starting to bug me that when ever I order a piece of cake somewhere I end up saying to myself "I would have made this better..." instead of getting good ideas from the flavours or presentation. Bottom line... good cake is hard to find.

Sleep came way to late... and I swear, the "Game Show Network" is like an endless line up of hairstyles that should never have been allowed by law. How the hell did North American civilization ever manage to procreate through the seventies ?

~ blue ftls
~ pj pants
~ old nautica rugby shirt
~ a grin!
~ to go back and snuggle z while the kids play...
~ taekwondo ...
~ 'rents house for dinner...
~ enjoying the fact that IT'S BEAUTIFUL OUTSIDE...
~ that news organizations would stop with the "look, this person is maybe about to explode (or something) live video reports".... dipsmacks..
~ that ladyfire's head doesn't hurt tooooo much today. :)
~ I had more time to review... :) but I'll get to that later... :D

Time to go shower and get busy enjoying the day. :D

  • shiver

    You know that shiver you get through your shoulder blades and down your back when you feel cold. Maybe you’ve just left the restaurant and you’re…

  • selfie

    as I read and read and read about "Selfies"... I quietly say to myself... "um... yeah, tell me again how selfies are a new thing." lol. :)

  • Monday, February 17, 2014

    Hiya. :) Today was one of those “oh look… LJ is still there” days. Oh how I miss the old days when LJ was pretty much a playground filled with my…

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  • shiver

    You know that shiver you get through your shoulder blades and down your back when you feel cold. Maybe you’ve just left the restaurant and you’re…

  • selfie

    as I read and read and read about "Selfies"... I quietly say to myself... "um... yeah, tell me again how selfies are a new thing." lol. :)

  • Monday, February 17, 2014

    Hiya. :) Today was one of those “oh look… LJ is still there” days. Oh how I miss the old days when LJ was pretty much a playground filled with my…