(er... "mates" ...watched or heard-in-the-background "Kangaroo Jack" like four times this weekend... and it's a cute movie... but the bottom line remains... Estella Warren... sweet geezus. :D)
My little men start summer camp today... it's a day camp thing... not an overnight thing... but they are seriously jazzed. Z is all about being uber organized about their lunches, clothes 'n stuff. So this morning, after we all woke up when Geo tumbled out of bed ... BONK... it was a clockwork morning. I even got to work a half hour earlier than usual. One week of camp then we go on a family "camping" adventure. Thre's another week of day camp out there somewhere... the boss keeps track of that. :)
It's a sunny day and the evil kind of heat has broken... so basically it's a day made in heaven. Unless, of course, you have to spend your day in an office cubicle hoping that net cam enabled cube mates are findable. :D
~ red ftls
~ dk beige dockers
~ hunter green shirt...
~ it's a move day at work... we (the team) are moving from one floor to another ... for a few months... not sure what this will do to online connectivity. We'll see.
~ more project stuff...
~ and maybe catch up on the set-up for the new Big Brother show... :D
~ just some thoughts and warm vibes over to abbeyrd.
~ hahaha... just say'en WORD to crushdmb... things are definately looking up huh sugar. :D
~ a "welcome home" type wish out to ladonne and her main squeeze tigerknight as they settle into their new digs.
~ that
~ that thatthingido gets rollerblades... red hair, rollerblades... and...er... well... you. What a great combination.
~ TODAY IS THE 7TH... and I think that means I'mma gonna see me some kristylicious
~ I met me some Tony! (tonyroomz
So much to do... so little time... Have a great day yo... and I'll see if I can manage to find my back to some friends pages later. :D
You are beautiful... in every way...