Mostly harmless (corto) wrote,
Mostly harmless

javascript / html question

ok... I'm looking for help on something to do with a javascript...

Thank you markalope
(a happy corto be here)

Bottom Line: Any idea how I can cause a variable in a javascript to be populated by the contents of a referenced text file?

On the index page of my site ( there is a little scrolling window with the heading "Site History". Below that is a honking big block of javascript garnered from elsewhere on the web. There is a "var" tag at the top of that script which populates the variable 'content' with a bunch of text... so if that var tag looked like;


the scrolling window would display the clause "ALL KINDS OF TEXT GOES HERE" and scroll it past.

So far so good?

Ok, now the issue is that every time I want to add to the site history I have to open up index.html and add to the string at the end of the var line.
My desire is to have a text file (i.e. history.txt) in the root directory of that web URL that the variable is populated from... sorta like;

var content=history.txt

... but, of course, this does not work...

Any idea how I can cause a variable in a javascript to be populated by the contents of a referenced text file?

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