Mostly harmless (corto) wrote,
Mostly harmless


Holy crap!!! It's freaking freezing outside... ice storm in Toronto and a snow/ice storm in store for us tonight... great!

I woke up and managed to get Geo off to school without waking Z... wanted to give her a morning snooze. :D

~ black ftls
~ new blue jeans, er... and [ :: it's friday :: ]
~ black golf shirt
~ blue notes sweater
~ to go, in 3 minutes, into my final presentation with the "since january" client
~ write about survivor...
~ go to my office after lunch
~ and see ya'all as much as I can...
~ that Nola (teaser) doesn't get any gekko surprises...
~ that I had more time to check and wish...

But I gotta git... see ya after the show.

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