If this world is wearing thin
and you're thinking of escape
I'll go anywhere with you
just wrap me up in chains
but if you try to go alone
don't think I'll understand
stay with me.
~ black flts
~ dk blue dockers...
~ long sleeve blue (colar-less shhhh!) shirt with a bluenotes sweater
~ go a bit mental on my current project... need to load up some deliverables before vacation starts...
~ and all the things I will do instead of that first item by way of being the professional procrastinator that I am.
~ leaving the [ :: werk-cam :: ] on (yeah, ok, like it always is...) however, with the move and new owners etc... I'm not sure how long that will last... sniff)
~ that I get to keep intouch with
~ to shoot a little hug out to
~ for crampy relief to stick with my very favourite

~ um... you know... it's a calendar thing... the moon is full and there is so many women in this journal thing that seem to track right along with the bella luna... may lower back rubs and pamperin help you all. :)
~ the 15-minutes-of-fun-fame-and-excitement that is the "make my journal a community and back to a journal again" thing will be over soon... enough already ... mmmk?
~ for Lisa,
~ that a virginian sugar-shack, the one and only Kym gets some word... any word... to stop her from guessing and running down paths filled with demons.
... and I will watch while the new owners dissassemble the lab I have built over the last few years and integrate it into a space and place that I will have nothing to do with. They will note the serial number on my new desktop pc... the one I waited years for while everyone else was upgraded... and I will watch their eyes light up as they covet the computer... and I will wonder what I will end up doing... gah... work stuff drives me kinda bonkers sometimes...
It's time to go get some coffee... see ya later.
A beautiful girl I knew in high school... everybody ... no I mean everybody... thought she was stuck up.
Some considered her quite the bitch. Others nailed her with the slut word, but mostly stuck up would
follow her around. Heather's older brother was part of the scary crowd of slightly older than us, hard boiled guys that
everybody was pretty well afraid of. She was blonde... the air kinda shimmered around her whenever I looked at her.
She seemed to always have a boyfriend that nobody knew because he was from or at another school...I knew better.
We talked... or, more accurately, I listened... haha... we talked pretty well every other day.
We'd go for walks or sit in the smoking area outside at school and she'd tell me everything going on in her world.
Stuck up?? No... she was so unbelievably shy that you cannot believe.
A bitch ... hardly. Get one inch inside that shell and you found the sweetest girl you'd ever want to meet,
kinda girly, kinda tomboy.
Slut hahahaha... virgin until at least grade 12 when a boyfriend that was first one of her older brothers friends
took remarkable advantage of her. She "looked good" in his car (his words... I will never forget her explaining this through tears.)
I've run into her somewhere in the last few years... it was a brief hi-how-are-ya kinda thing... she's still got it...
and some kids to go along with it. But that's not the point. The point is more clearly that I learned early on about how
descieving appearances are. People judge so quickly... and some people are utterly incapable of undoing what
those judgements do to them.
You have to learn to look deeper to find people. You may or may not like what you find...
but at least it will be real.