Well boys going to be at 11:45 means we slept in till 9:45!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot possibly express my bodies joy at this. :D
~ green bbs
~ beige p-z jeans (and they jeans... like it or not... lol!)
~ v-neck p-z top
~ new comfy sox. :D
~ clean clean clean clean
~ cook cook cook cook
~ it's ribs for dinner and hopefully, a clean house. (well, not for dinner... :D)
~ to receive our guests with open arms...
~ that the roads were safe from Toronto to Ottawa...
~ that I get a chance to catch up with you all ... but not yet... way WAY too much to do. :D
me = uber busy and we try to make up for being way behind on getting organized....
See ya. :D